When your players have scored enough bingos and/or you would like to end your Bingo Game, you should Finish and finalize it. This will update all crowd Participant Views and the Presentation View with a message that the Bingo Game Has Ended. Finishing your Bingo Game is useful when you no longer want your crowd to use the Bingo Game and you want them to focus their attention back on your presentation, another topic, etc.
After your Bingo Game is finished, you can still enable the Show Live Rankings (R) view if you want to review the final rankings of your Bingo Game and/or leave the Show Live Rankings (R) view on for your crowd to view in the background.
When you want to clear out any test games and reset your Bingo Game for your actual live event, you must first Finish your Bingo Game. Once you finish a Bingo Game, you have the option of resetting it, which we'll do now.
Finishing Your Bingo Game
To finish your Bingo Game, simply click the smaller circular red Stop button under the Playback Controls heading on the Experience Dashboard. Clicking the Stop button will stop all interaction from your crowd.
Finish Bingo Game confirmation on the Experience Dashboard
Your Bingo Game is now Finished and your crowd can no longer answer questions. All Participant Views will now show a Game Finished screen like below:
Participant View displays for a finished Bingo Game
Resetting Your Bingo Game
Now that your Bingo Game is finished, you would just need to reset it to clear out all the test players and scores to play through it again as a "dry run" for testing purposes or your actual live event. You wouldn't want your test scores mixing up with your actual event players and scores.
Resetting will set your game back to the Ready To Start state and will update all crowd Participant Views and the Presentation View to a Bingo Game Will Begin Shortly message. Below, we'll learn about options for handling existing crowd responses.
To reset your Bingo Game, simply click on the circular blue Reset button under the Playback Controls heading on the Experience Dashboard.
The Reset Experience button under Playback Control
This will open the blue Reset Bingo Game dialog where you'll have two button options:
Clear Crowd Responses
Click the red Clear Crowd Responses button if you want to clear out all the current crowd responses. If you want to reset your Bingo Game to a clean state so it can be run again as a "fresh" game, click on this option. It will also set your game's state to Ready To Start. This is the most common type of reset.
Remove Participant Accounts
Along with clearing out the Crowd Responses, you can also enable the Remove Participant Accounts setting. When this option is toggled On, selecting the Clear Crowd Responses option will also remove the participant accounts tied to the Experience. Participants will be required to sign in again and create a new participant account.
Keep Crowd Responses
Click the purple Keep Crowd Responses button if you want to reset the game back to the Ready To Start state but still want to keep the existing game results and Crowd Responses.
After clicking on one of the above buttons, your Bingo Game is now reset. To start it again, you'll need to click the green Play button.
Next Steps
Congrats! You've now created, set up, ran, tested, and reset your first Crowdpurr Bingo Game! You have all the tools and knowledge to create and execute more Bingo Games. You're ready to experiment on friends, family, and colleagues before your actual live event. Feel free to do as many tests and dry runs as you like in order to feel comfortable and ready for your actual live event.
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